The San Joaquin Valley Electric Vehicle Partnership (SJVEVP) is a business-led regional collaborative that promotes the expansion of electric vehicles in the San Joaquin Valley region of California. Since our launch in 2014, nearly 50 businesses and 40 public and non-profit organizations have been working together to address top priorities to expand the electric vehicle market in the San Joaquin Valley: charging infrastructure, market development and talent. Our members include automakers, EV dealers, EV charging infrastructure companies, public agencies, school districts and businesses interested in installing charging infrastructure.

The EV Opportunity in San Joaquin Valley: Over 4 million people live in our region, more than 24 states in the U.S. Compared to other regions in California, we have the fewest electric vehicles for the size of our population. We also have some of the worst air quality of any region in the U.S. The expansion of Electric Vehicles in our region will have health, economic and environmental benefits for the people in our region.

How can you be involved?

  • Join forces with business, community, and environmental leaders like yourself who are committed to an EV future in SJV! Visit our Events Calendar to find a schedule of our upcoming meetings.

  • Connect with us on Facebook and LinkedIn (links below). Be the first to hear San Joaquin Valley EV news and learn about upcoming events.

  • Learn more about Electric Vehicles and charging for your household, workplace or fleet. Tap into SJVEVP’s expertise about how to go electric.

  • Host an Electric Vehicle event at your workplace or community. Take the lead on driving the transition to electric vehicles in the San Joaquin Valley. SJVEVP will guide and support you along the way.

  • Sponsor an SJVEVP event, and raise the profile of your business for hundreds of San Joaquin Valley residents. Please visit the Members page to become a sponsor.

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